How To Get the Best Out Of Online Extra Classes.

It is well known that one-on-one extra classes provide a great opportunity for learners to catch up on their studies. But can we say the same for the online classes? The answer is simply, yes!
Online classes make use of internet services to make contact between tutors and learners. These classes can be offered in the following ways:
- Animated video lessons
- Prerecorded video lessons
- Live lessons
- Downloadable notes for reading and submissions
So how to get the best out of these online extra classes?
Check your internet connection.
There can never be online classes if there is no stable internet connection. When you choose online classes, first check your network coverage. You do not want to be disconnected during yor class and be disappointed after your session that most of the times, there was no connection.
Advice: Check which network providers are strong in your area before you can start your lessons. This will save you time and money.
Use network provider that offers affordable data plans.
It is not a secret that data is expensive in South Africa. Online classes are data-intensive, especially if they use video platforms. Therefore, choosing a network provider that is not only affordable but also has coverage in your area becomes an important aspect to consider.
Most network providers have data-only SIM cards which use 4G LTE. This kind of data is cheaper. We have seen prices for these SIM cards ranging from R99 for 5GB (from Telkom Mobile). There is also Rain which offers you unlimited data from just R250 per month. Check with your network provider to see what their data bundles are for data-only SIM cards.
As stated previously, check your network coverage in your area before choosing your network provider.
Know the medium used by your tutor.
It is important to know if your tutor uses videos, whiteboards, or ready-to-download notes.
Your knowledge of this information will guide you in knowing how much data you should purchase for your classes. Video-intensive extra classes would use large amount of amounts of data as compared to ready-to-download notes.
Real-time communication.
Though the mediums used are different, there should be a real-time communication between tutors and learners. Even a prerecorded video-based session should have a chat option where you can talk to the tutor, immediately when need arises.
At Ramta Solutions, we prefer whiteboards since we know that different leaners have different needs. Whiteboards allow a learner to pause a tutor so they can explain or clarify a point. This then makes lessons very-interactive.
Make sure your tutor sends you all the notes made during a lesson.
Time slots
Choose a time slot that is convenient for you. Do not choose a time slot where you have to, for example, go for your aerobics or soccer practice. Extra classes should not kill your extra-mural activities because we all know what happened to Jack. He became a dull boy.
Tutor preparedness.
No matter how excellent one can be in a subject, any instructor(in this case, tutor) need to prepare for their classes. Preparing means you take less time on covering things that are insignificant and you know how your class will unfold.
A lesson that is well-prepared covers lots of things at a short time and is able to remove a lot of unnecessary notes, giving points suitable for exam success.